Monday, 31 January 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful - Week 3

Reasons to be Cheerful at Mummy with a Heart

Number 1: Got to see my family this weekend!

I only get to see my family once a month and even then we have to drive in the evening for three hours there and then drive Sunday afternoon back to West Midlands. I'm hoping we can sort out more time over the weekend of Baby Al's first birthday though.

Number 2: Getting myself sorted out.

I went to the Family Planning centre and booked an appointment to remove my implant as it is just playing with my hormones way too much, making me feel bad. I'm not looking forward to it, however I'm just glad I finally sorted an appointment out. Hurray!

Number 3: Countryside.

My parents live in the countryside of Lincolnshire and going out there can be a relief for us all. I just enjoy getting away from the busy place we live in once in a while. Just feels good, y'know?
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