Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Review: Tefal Actifry

We wanted to try making our own chips, so when we got offered to try out the Tefal Actifry it was something both myself and Gadget Dad were interested in testing out!

Mmm... Fresh Home made chips!
The Actifry is very easy to use to make home made chips. Cut the potatoes up and with the green spoon that is provided just add the correct amount of oil. There's a helpful book that gives you an idea on how much oil you should use. If you are using it to cook oven chips then you need no oil as they already have oil inside them. Taste test was a success and we soon found ourselves fans of the home made chips, infact we keep the skin on as we both enjoy chips with potato skin, yummy!

We have also tried a few different meals in this machine, including stir fry! The only thing we learnt from trying was fish fingers or potato waffles are not suited for this as they just get mashed up, whoops! But so far everything else has tasted good, if not better then what we cook in the oven or in a pan. So it is versatile and can be used not just for making fresh chips.

The downside is that this thing is very loud. My mom bought a deep fat fryer to make chips in and that barely makes a sound, however you can't exactly make stir fry or cook chicken in a deep fat fryer like you can in the Actifry. I'm also not to keen on spending £199.99 for this.

So what did Petit Mom and Gadget Dad think of the Tefal Actifry?

Gadget Dad's Rating: 7/10
Petit Mom's Rating: 7/10

It's great that it can be used to make so many different meals so easily, but the price and the noise put both of us off.


Unknown said...

My In-Laws are BIG health freaks (own their own health freak business and what not) and they have one of these. I found it really difficult to use, and we didn't get on with it when we were left to use it on our own. The potatoes ended up as wedges in the oven...!

Also, wasn't aware it was THAT expensive! Golly!

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