Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Potty to Toilet?

On my last blog post I was lazy with my style board because I spent a lot of time looking for underwear for my son so brought you poor sods some great pants that most boys will love and (hopefully) not want to soil them, I mean if you were Superman you'd not be happy if you were peed on by one of your fans and no boy wants to pee on their favourite character. But our issue has been that Petit Boy wants to pee standing up. Now if you have pants around your ankles then standing over the potty isn't possible as what happens is the pants get in the way and just end up upsetting them or peeing on their much loved briefs. So I asked the lovely Nanny Fi over Stafford FM's Parent Talk (Tuesdays 10am til 11am) and she pointed out that this is an great feat for my 2 year old to be doing and should go get a stool and let him use the toilet.

I'm a tad scared of this, although Alex does have his own bathroom so he basically has his very own toilet to use. I've grabbed our stool and shown him it against the toilet with the lid and seat up, hopefully he'll give it a go.
In the mean time pees have been in the potty during the morning and then later in the afternoon he seems to give up and just pee on the floor. I've been trying to stay positive but yesterday I asked him if he needed to use the potty and he told us he didn't, but then moments later had a massive pee all over his colouring book and some of his wooden train tracks. I wanted to scream but didn't really have the time as I just had to find the potty, catch some of it (which daddy did) and find something to wipe the massive puddle that was moving in to attack the rest of his train set.

So did you go for the toilet or did you go potty and then toilet? Or perhaps you use both?
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