Wednesday 15 December 2010

Reading with Baby

Baby Al reading a book from our local Library.

Reading with your baby may sound silly as they do not understand what you are saying or what a book is but it helps them learn new sounds as well as it being a fun time for you both to bond together. I go every Thursday to my local Cradle Club at the Library where we read a book together, sing songs and get to play with toys and chat to one another about all sorts of things. I recommend finding out if your local Library does a baby and toddler day as it's good for both you and your child to meet people and re-live all those songs your parents use to sing to you.

A key point came up whilst at the club one snowy day and that was how little parents read to their babies. I think the issue is with lack of sleep and being rushed off your feet, so when your child keeps turning the pages before you have finished reading them and slamming the book shut on your fingers you find yourself getting annoyed and give up after all your fingers are now sore. But babies won't really understand why this is not normal when reading a book until they are older. Let them play with the pages, hold, open and close the book. To them it's a new toy for them. The best thing to do is sit down somewhere comfortable, place your little one either on your lap or in between your legs and then open the book infront of them. Read to them and if they want to turn the page or place their hands all over the book making it hard to read, don't scold them! This is a natural reaction for a little baby to a book. When Baby Al turns the page I'll just say "oh clever boy!" or "what's on the next page?" anything positive towards him. Sometimes I don't even read out loud what it says and instead just say what I see like "Cats go meow" if there is a picture of a cat. And if you have a book that is a touch and feel book then say to them how it feels. There is a dog with a long coat, it feels soft. it's all new and fun for your little one and a great way for them to learn new words and meanings.

Here are some great books to read to your baby:

Just remember that reading together is a fun time together!


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