Friday 1 July 2011

My Love for AMVs...

As I use to run an anime event years ago for non-profit (any profits went to charity) I had the chance to run an AMV night in the pub we had hired. AMV stands for Anime Music Video where people have editted anime to suit music, usually pop and well known. I have a butt load but here are some of my favourite AMVs.

Do you recall the remix Elvis song? The video for it was exactly like this only not with anime characters. Great work from the maker behind this one!

Not an English song but someone did a great job with this video. Most of it is as it was in the show (Princess Tutu) with some scenes sped up to fit the music.Some of the cogs have been edited but that's about it really.

This one is for any of you Blues Brothers fans out there. Dedicated to Ray Charles and John Belushi who you will see at the end of the video. Brilliant editing as it puts at least three different shows in plus the movie the song is originally from.

Okay so hope you enjoyed these! I should probably add more one day. If you want to know what the shows are that are in any of the above videos just ask!


Carolin said...

I just had to click the link to find out what AMVs are. Had never heard the abbreviation before but feel much cleverer now :)

Fi ( said...

I clicked on the link too- 'whatever is she on about?' I thought!

How very clever and rather fab! I'm now going to search the net for more!

Thanks for sharing!

The Breastest News said...

Aww I love the last one! It's soooo well done :)

I quite like watching anime myself now and again, I was obsessed with pokemon and that card capture programme was it zakura or something she was called? Anyway I loved them oh and dragon ball z was quite good on cartoon network! All those muscley men, no wonder my other half happens to be a bodybuilder...

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